2017-08 |
19 DEC |
폴란드 기술 매칭 |
(재)아셈중소기업친환경혁신센터(이하 ASEIC, 이사장 성명기)는 중소벤처기업부의 지원과 폴란드 외교부 및 슬로바키아 기업청(Slovak Business Agency)과 코시체 IT Valley와의 협력을 통하여 ‘한국-폴란드·슬로바키아 친환경혁신 기술매칭 행사...
19 DEC |
GBC 포럼 개최 |
ASEIC, the ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center, with the support of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups of Korea and KUKM, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of Indonesia, held the “2nd INDONESIA-KOREA SMEs...
Green News
How young people are tackling climate change through... |
Climate change is not all doom and gloom, it’s a business opportunity. Young aspiring entrepreneurs are growing profitable businesses that are helping... |
EU Council conclusions on eco-innovation: enabling the... |
On 18 December 2017, the Council adopted conclusions on eco-innovation which will enable the vitally important transition towards a circular... |
Europe on the Move: Commission takes action for clean... |
The European Commission is today taking action to modernise European mobility and transport. The aim is to help the sector to remain competitive in a... |